START DATE: Tuesday, Aug 8, 2017 - 7:00 pm
END DATE: Tuesday, Aug 8, 2017 - 8:30 pm
Kelvin & Debbie King's Home
4005 Margaret Circle, Virginia Beach, VA, United States
Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League
For Bellwood Estates, Bellwood Meadows and Bellwood Forest
Neighborhood Quarterly Meeting Minutes
August 8, 2017
Officers Present: Mike McGinn and Kelvin King
The Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League meeting was held at the home of Kelvin and Debbie King, Margaret Circle at 7:00 p.m. President Mike McGinn called the meeting to order. The meeting began with a raffle (the prize was a $10 Chic-fil-a gift card) for all those who arrived prior to the 7 o’clock meeting. Barb won the prize.
The minutes were provided by Mary Reed and posted on website. Mike McGinn asked if any changes to minutes. Shannon McGinn motioned to accept minutes and seconded by Kel King.
Treasurer’s Report:
Kelvin King presented the treasurer’s report. He also distributed a budget report. The expense report is on second sheet of report. Joe Monaco motioned to accept treasurer’s report and seconded by Marilyn Russell.
Committee Reports:
Old Business:
Joe expressed a concern about user names and passwords hacking.
New Business:
There was a discussion about Bellwood Meadows entrance sign and money to repair their signage.
Mike informed everyone that the yearly dues can now be paid on website.
There is still an issue of getting building a fence on Elbow Road
There is still a damaged fence from the tornado at house at entrance to Bellwood Meadows.
Shirley Shepherd mentioned that 2 bags of lawn clippings floated up in her yard from lake. If anyone knows or sees who may have dumped please keep a watch for anyone.
Please stay aware if you put hazardous waste in drains because our drains flow into the pond.
SeeClickFix is a website to report hazards. Take pictures of things needing to be fixed and send to City. They will respond and fix.
Evacuation Zones are used in event of a hurricane etc. Go to website “Know Your Zone”. We are in Zone B.
Quinn Doyle wants to post on website for tutoring. The question is: only residents from our neighborhoods and only dues paying residents should be allowed to post.
Todd Garrett stated he could maintain this portion of website to advertise miscellaneous services. Would have to renew yearly or be booted off website. Mike will send out email to neighborhoods and have anyone interested to contact Cheryl or Todd with information.
The neighborhood picnic will be Sat., Sept. 16, 2017, from 2pm to 5pm. Rain delay or postpone information will be sent out on website. Cheryl and Mike will be a posting on website of needed items for picnic. BBQ and chicken will be provided. Purchasing a Bounce House will be explored.
The meeting adjourned at 8pm.
Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League
Debbie King
August 8th Meeting Minutes (Click Link to Download)