Civic League Meeting Aug. 9, 2016

START DATE: Tuesday, Aug 9, 2016 - 7:00 pm

END DATE: Wednesday, Aug 9, 2017 - 8:15 pm

Bill and Leslie Hart's Home
2184 Margaret Drive, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

General Meeting Agenda

  1. Raffle
  2. Approval of the Minutes
  3. Treasure’s Report
    1. Approve Treasurer’s Report
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Hospitality – Marilyn Russell
    2. Entrance Way – Chuck LeGeyt and John Decarlo
    3. Neighborhood Watch & Dues update– Need block captains: Cheryl Monaco
    4. Website – Karen Clements – Need someone who can do Word Press
  5. Old Business
    1. Update on Elbow Road Expansion
    2. Sign up sheet for picnic
  6. New Business
    1. Drainage issue on Sarsfield Street reported
    2. Any new concerns


General Meeting Minutes

Total in Attendance: 16

Officers Present: Joe Monaco

The Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League meeting was held at the home of Bill & Leslie Hart at 2184 Margaret Drive at 7:00 p.m. President Joe Monaco called the meeting to order. The meeting began with a raffle (the prize was a $15 gift card to Dairy Queen) for all those who arrived prior to the 7 o’clock meeting time. The prize winner was Wade Powell.

The minutes were emailed to everyone previously to read. Don Bradford motioned to accept the minutes and seconded by Bob Haack.

Treasurer’s Report:

Joe Monaco presented the treasurer’s report. Shirley Sheppard motioned to accept the treasurer’s report and seconded by Frank Gailard.

Committee Reports:

  • Hospitality chairperson, Marilyn Russell was absent. Cheryl Monaco to check and see if Marilyn was able to welcome the new family on the corner of Sarsfield Court and Margaret Drive.
  • Entrance way is maintained by Chuck LeGeyt and John Decarlo. Compliments on doing a great job of maintaining the neighborhood entrances.
  • The website, Karen Clements needs someone who can do Word Press. We are still on the lookout for that person.

Old Business:

  • A report on the Elbow Road Expansion project was given by Joe Monaco. The city has approved funding for Phase IIB of Elbow Road Expansion Project. It is projected to begin in July of 2019 and take approximately 2 years. This phase includes construction of 2 lanes from Margaret Drive to the Chesapeake City Line at Stumpy Lake.   This phase includes straightening out the curve, rebuilding the bridge, closing the Walpole Road Entrance and building the privacy walls up to Margaret Drive. There will be an 8 foot sidewalk up to Margaret Drive. This funding does not include a sidewalk from Margaret Drive to Salem Road during this phase. That is slated for Phase IIC (which is not funded yet). Should phase IIC get funded, they hope to start that in 2021. Phase IIC includes construction of the additional 2 lanes adjacent to Phase IIB from Margaret Drive to Stumpy Lake (to make it two lanes each way) and construction of a full 4-lane section from Margaret Drive to Salem Road. Phase IID (which also is not funded yet) includes construction of 2 additional lanes from Salem Road to the Virginia Beach Amphitheater West Parking Area and the Western Princess Anne Athletic Complex. Upon completion of Phase IID, Elbow Road will be a four lane divided roadway along the length of the entire project area with a transition area to the existing 2 lanes at the project terminus adjacent to Stumpy Lake. A map showing the phases was handed out to everyone in attendance.
  • Cheryl reported on neighborhood picnic scheduled for Sat. September 17, 2016 2:00 – 5:00 pm. Cheryl provided a signup sheet to help with the picnic food and activities. Cheryl Monaco asked if anyone could run a corn hole tournament at the picnic. Don Bradford said he would check his schedule and would do so if he can come.
  • SeeClickFix is an available app to report potholes, graffiti, street light out, and other areas of concern to the Virginia Beach City. Cheryl Monaco reviewed how to use SeeClickFix with the Group.

New Business:

Frank Galliard asked if anyone knows what is happening with land that was purchased for a mosque on the corner of Salem and Landstown Road. Joe Monaco will check into that.

Wade Powell asked if anyone knows what is happening to the land behind the new dragas community that is between South Independence and Lynnhaven Parkway. Joe Monaco will check into that

Frank Galliard asked about National Night Out. We did not participate this year. We will look into the details for next year.

Frank Galliard asked what we could do about people speeding in our neighborhood.   Can we get one of those signs that says what speed you are driving. Joe Monaco will check into it.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tues., Nov. 15, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., at Joe and Cheryl Monaco’s house, 4004 Margaret Circle.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00 pm.

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