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Civic League Meeting May 10, 2016

START DATE: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 - 7:00 pm

END DATE: Tuesday, May 10, 2016 - 8:15 pm

Joe and Cheryl Monaco's house
4004 Margaret Circle, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

General Meeting Agenda

  1. Raffle
  2. Approval of the Minutes
  3. Treasure’s Report
    1. Approve Treasurer’s Report
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Hospitality – Marilyn Russell
    2. Entrance Way – Chuck LeGeyt and John Decarlo
    3. Neighborhood Watch & Dues update– Need block captains: Cheryl Monaco
    4. Website – Karen Clements – Need someone who can do Word Press
  5. Old Business
    1. Entrance Way to Walpole repair
    2. Update on Elbow Road Expansion
  6. New Business
    1. Details for picnic on Sep. 17
    2. See, Click, Fix Ap
    3. Any new concerns

General Meeting Minutes

Total in Attendance: 11

Officers Present: Joe Monaco, Art Fritz, Kelvin King and Mary Reed

The Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League meeting was held at the home of Joe and Cheryl Monaco at 4004 Margaret Circle at 7:00 p.m. President Joe Monaco called the meeting to order. The meeting began with a raffle (the prize was a food coupon gift card) for all those who arrived prior to the 7 o’clock meeting time. The prize winner was Frank Gaillard.

The minutes were provided by secretary, Mary Reed. Joe read highlights from the last meeting on February 9, 2016. Kelvin King motioned to accept the minutes and seconded by Marilyn Russell.

Treasurer’s Report:

Kevin King presented the treasurer’s report. Art Fritz motioned to accept the treasurer’s report and seconded by Shirley Sheppard.

Committee Reports:

  • Hospitality chairperson, Marilyn Russell reported that she has visited a new resident on Sarsfield.
  • Entrance way is maintained by Chuck LeGeyt and John Decarlo. Compliments on doing a great job of maintaining the neighborhood entrances.
  • Happy news. Haack’s cat has been found.
  • Cheryl reported that Shirley will be the block captain for Brush hill
  • Frank mentioned the rental of private homes for events. Some problems are noise, traffic, parking and trash. We’ll check with city council on ordnances on these events.
  • The website, Karen Clements needs someone who can do Word Press. A contact person from Bellwood Forest will be contacted.

Old Business:

  • Joe reported that the damaged entrance sign on Walpole had been repaired. The repair work included upgrading the lights to LED which has reduced our electrical expenses.
  • A report on the Elbow Road Expansion is the plans are in place but funds are not available.

New Business:

Cheryl reported on neighborhood picnic scheduled for Sat. September 17, 2016 2:00 – 5:00 pm. Cheryl provided a signup sheet to help with the picnic food and activities.   The signup sheets will be given to block captains.

SeeClickFix is an available app to report potholes, graffiti, street light out, and other areas of concern to the Virginia Beach City.

The next meeting is scheduled for Tues., August 9, 2016 at 7:00 p.m., at Bill and Leslie Hart, 2184 Margaret Dr.

Meeting for 2016:

Tue., Nov. 8, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. at Joe and Cheryl Monaco – 4004 Margaret Cir.

Art Fritz motioned to adjourn meeting and seconded by Marilyn Russell. The meeting adjourned at 7:45 pm.

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