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Civic League Meeting – Feb 12, 2019

START DATE: Tuesday, Feb 12, 2019 - 7:00 pm

END DATE: Tuesday, Feb 12, 2019 - 8:30 pm

Joe & Cheryl Monaco's House
4004 Margaret Circle, Virginia Beach, VA, USA

General Meeting Agenda

  1. Raffle
  2. Approval of the Minutes
  3. Financials – Approve Treasurers Report
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Hospitality – Marilyn Russell
    2. Entrance Way – Chuck LeGeyt and Bill Brofft
    3. Neighborhood Watch & Dues update – Cheryl Monaco
    4. Website – Todd Garrett
  5. Old Business
    1. Meetings for 2019 – May. 14 (Kelvin & Debbie King), Aug. 13 (Bill & Leslie Hart), Nov. 12 (Need Host)
  6. New Business
    1. Hiring Out for Front Entrance Cleanup
    2. Drone Flying around Neighborhood
    3. Any New Topics

General Meeting Minutes


Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League

For Bellwood Estates Bellwood Meadows and Bellwood Forest

Neighborhood Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Feb 12, 2019

Officers present:  Mike McGinn, Kevin King, Joe Monaco and Mary Reed

The Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League was held 7pm at the home of Joe and Cheryl Monaco at 4004 Margaret Circle.  President Mike McGinn called the meeting to order.  The meeting began with a raffle (the prize was a $15 gift card) for those who arrived prior to the 7pm meeting time.  Lauren Nelson won the prize.

The minutes were provided by Mary Reed and posted on website.  Mike asked if any changes to minutes.  Johnathan Brashears motioned to approve minutes and seconded by Kelvin King.

Treasurer’s Report:

Kelvin King presented the treasurer’s report.  The bank statement was printed on Feb. 11, 2019.  There has been an overpayment of State Corporation Commission dues.  Kelvin will check to verify information.  Joe Monaco motioned to accept report and seconded by Jonathon Brashears.

Committee reports:

Entrance Way – The Civic league will hire a company to maintain the front entrance to the neighborhoods. The company will provide quarterly maintenance such as pulling weeds, trimming bushes and other beautifications needs. The motion was approved by the body.

Neighborhood Watch – Drone flying in neighborhood- There has been a sighting of a drone on Fallsway Court.  A website has been given to provide more information on regulations for drone (

Dues update– Cheryl Monaco reported the dues are coming in regularly. Bellwood Forest 23%,

Bellwood Meadows 26% and Bellwood Estates is 40%.  Block captains will be notified to solicited dues from residents.

Website – Todd Garrett reported that website is updated.  It was suggested that the website can be utilized by dues paying residents to advertise their services.  Residents of the neighborhoods should contact Todd Garrett to put services offered on website.  Jackie Collins motioned to accept and seconded by Joe Monaco. Dues must be current each year to remain on website.

New Business:

Todd Garrett has offered to take aerial views of your home if needed by residents.

The next meeting scheduled for Tuesday, May 14, 2019 has been changed.  Instead it will be held on Saturday, May 18, 2019 in the cul-de-sac of Margaret Circle at 5:30 pm.

Other meetings schedule:

August 13 – Bill and Leslie Hart – (2184   Margaret Drive)

November 12- Kelvin and Debbie King – (4005 Margaret Circle)

Jonathon Brashears will coordinate a group to remove trash and debris from Elbow Road that joins our neighborhoods. Virginia Beach Maintenance and public works will provide safety vests, trash bags and other tools to assist in the operation.  The website will be use to establish a committee.

The meeting was adjourned at 8pm.


Mary Reed


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