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Civic League Meeting – Nov 14, 2017

START DATE: Tuesday, Nov 14, 2017 - 7:00 pm

END DATE: Tuesday, Nov 14, 2017 - 8:30 pm

Joe & Cheryl Monaco's House
4004 Margaret Circle, Virginia Beach, VA, United States

General Meeting Agenda

  1. Raffle
  2. Approval of the Minutes
  3. Financials – Approve Treasurers Report
  4. Committee Reports
    1. Hospitality – Marilyn Russell
    2. Entrance Way – Chuck LeGeyt and John Decarlo
    3. Neighborhood Watch & Dues update & Website – Cheryl Monaco
  5. Old Business
    1. Meetings for 2017/2018 – Nov. 14 (At Kelvin King’s), Feb. 13 (Need Host), May 08 (Need Host)
    2. Elbow Rd expansion update.
  6. New Business
    1. Possible complications rebuilding fence along Elbow Rd.
    2. Using the “SeeClickFix” phone application.
    3. Neighborhood Picnic
    4. Advertising on Website
    5. Any New Topics


General Meeting Minutes


Bellwood Neighborhoods Civic League Minutes

November 14, 2017


Officers Present:  Mike McGinn, Kelvin King, Joe Monaco.

Eleven people were present at the meeting.

Meeting commenced at 7 pm.

Shirley Sheppard won the door prize (a $10 gift card to Walmart)

Joe Monaco motioned to approve minutes.   Shirley Sheppard seconded.  All approved.

Kelvin King went over the treasurer’s report.  The picnic, the front entrance way and the website were over budget.  The Picnic was just a little over as we did two picnics this year.  The front entrance way was over because of the damage done to the brick during the tornado.  The Website was over because we redesigned the website this year.

The budget for 2018 was reviewed by Kelvin King.  Becky Watt moved to approved the budget and the treasurers report.   Art Fritz seconded.  All approved.

Marilyn Russell gave her hospitality report.  Marilyn welcomed four new families.   Three moved in on Sarsfield  Street and one on Brodeur.

Mr. Melgoza from Bellwood Meadows is taking care of Bellwood Meadows front entrance.  Wade Powell suggested we do something to show our appreciation for the work on the front entrance of Bellwood Meadows.  It was suggested a $100 gift card be purchased for him from the Bellwood Meadows budget.  Mike McGinn will get a Visa gift card for him.

The question was asked if renters can attend our civic league meetings.  It was decided that renters can attend the meetings but cannot vote.

Todd Garrett is doing the website now.  He got the meeting minutes posted.  He did a template for people that provide services to put on the website.  Todd will talk to Ned (the website designer) about making some changes to the website set up.

Some concerns in the neighborhood were discussed.  Shirley Sheppard had floodlights stolen. Mike McGinn had two accidents to his vehicles on the street.  Allison Trago told Mike McGinn  she saw some suspicious vehicles in neighborhood on Brushhill and Margaret Drive.

When street lights are out, Dominion Power should be contacted..

Mike McGinn will host the Feb. 13, 2018 meeting.  The May 8, 2018 meeting will be a cul de sac picnic outside the Monaco house, the Aug. 14, 2018 meeting will be at Kelvin and Debbie Kings house. The Nov. 13, 2018 meeting location is still to be determined.

Elbow Road Expansion Update – Mike McGinn contacted Annette Hare from the city.  Construction is scheduled to start Summer 2019.  Walpole entrance is still to be closed.  They are evaluating an emergency vehicle entrance for somewhere on Salem Road.    The city is thinking of putting a cul de sac under the new fly over (where Elbow road currently exists).  Our park will stay the same.

Art suggested when they build the sound walls, that we try to get everyone to have a sound wall that backs up to Elbow Road.  He said on the new Lynnhaven Parkway extension, some houses have a sound wall and some do not.  Homeowners had a choice in the matter.  It looks very inconsistent.

Picnic Review:  Everyone loved it, the food choice was good.    Bounce house went well.  Mike said we could spend an extra $75 to upgrade to bounce house with a slide for next year if we are interested.

Website – Todd is planning to add a Resident Services and Talent section to the Bellwood Website.  If a resident advertises on the website, they will need to send the civic league their contact info every year and they have to be a dues paying member.  We could charge $20 for renters to put their services or talents on the website.  This would need to be paid by cash or check to the civic league.  There will be no extra charge to use these services for dues paying members.  Their dues fees will include providing this service.  Mike McGinn will do a preliminary email and we will also put something about it in the correspondence we send out in the beginning of the year when we collect dues.

Wade Powell discussed the community yard sale.  He said it was very valuable and he would like to do it again in 2018.    We had around 20 or more homes participate in the neighborhood yard sale.  Mike suggested some folks could add photos for next year.

New Business:

Front Entrance decorations – Do we want to do holiday decorations at the entrance way?  If someone wants to do it on their own, they can contact us and we can approve it.

See Click Fix Ap – Please use if you see something that needs to be fixed.

Mike asked if we want to do a Halloween decorations contest.  Mike would be the judge should we decide to have the contest.  The winner would get free dues for a year.

We will have the Christmas holiday decorations contest this year and we will include Bellwood Meadows.  Joe, Mike, Shirley and Kelvin will judge.

Easter Egg Hunt – Bellwood Forrest did their own last year.   Mike McGinn is to ask what Bellwood Forrest did last year and then determine what we would like to do.


Meeting adjourned at 8:04 pm

BECLNov2017 (Click Link to Download)


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